Monday, November 7, 2011

Hello World

Hello, denizens of the internet, and welcome to my bright eyed attempt at a blog. I'm here for the exhibition of my writing abilities, watching my own progression, and the occasional cathartic rant that every writer trips into from time to time. As a young, college going, writer, its easy to be overlooked in the sea of bodies that any editor will undoubtedly be bludgeoned with. With Dialogues in My Imagination I hope to show to future employers, fellow writers, or anyone that just feels like reading, the way in which my ability and style stands out against the grey.

My style itself tends to focus on imagery and word play in description, as such, I typically excel at focusing closely on particular subjects. Time spent writing this way has taught me to write reviews, opinions, and expositions well. In entries to come, I plan to include postings with my thoughts on products, as well as my interpretation of media.

I also have some experience writing fiction and non-fiction; its relatively new ground for me as a formal writer. Its been a hobby since childhood, but recently I've began indulging in it in a structured environment and have been met with success. As my finesse for crafting the fictions is eked out more completely, I plan their addition.

That about wraps up the key talking points of my personal exposition. Hopefully it was informative and propels you forward into other postings. I look forward to any feedback and comments anyone has to give. More postings to come!

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